Question Everything ... Politely!

Random Thought of the Day: Question Everything… Politely!

We all approach life from our own perspective. Perhaps you deem someone as “good” because they believe as you do or “bad” because they don’t agree with you. Whether it is in your personal life, in business or in politics, we tend to align with (and trust) those of similar beliefs. For example, in my personal life, I really don’t trust people who don’t like dogs. It makes no sense. It’s just a fact. Love me – love my dogs! 

In business, someone once told me that I am intelligent and have great creative ideas but I don’t “play the game well.” The context of this statement was that I didn’t pacify someone by telling them what they wanted to hear. Instead, I told them what I believed to be true. In some cases this lack of “game playing” or as some call it “political correctness,” has been a challenge for me as I’ve navigated some stormy waters in the business world. In other cases, it has been a blessing as people seek my opinion knowing they can trust what I say. That is not to say that I am always right – just that they can just trust that I will tell them what I believe – no political correctness (which has nothing to do with rudeness), no strategic pacification, no “game playing” at all. Just my honest opinion – you can count on it!

In practical terms this means I have spoken up against a bad idea when everyone else seems to be on board with it (publically, yet behind closed doors they often said otherwise!). I have stood up for a friend, even when it wasn’t a popular stance. I have even defied a direct order from “the boss” because I believed the directive to be unfair and harmful to those it impacted and to the corporation as a whole. I paid a price. Although it was a rebellious move, I was not trying to be a rebel. It wasn’t about that at all. It was about walking in the truth of who I am. It afforded me no personal gain whatsoever. As a matter of fact, it was a professionally reckless move. But I went to sleep that night knowing what I stood for and knowing in my heart that I had done the right thing. 

What I know for sure is that we need to be careful who we look up to, who we idolize and even who we associate with. If you find yourself compromising your own beliefs and values in order to keep the peace – or get a paycheck – or keep a job – or not ruffle feathers – or get a leg up - then ask yourself this question; “Do people know what I really stand for?” The next question is; “Why or why not?” Too often we put people on pedestals who definitely deserve our admiration - but not our blind admiration. There is a difference. 

The world is full of well-intentioned followers. If you are a person of influence and spend your time trying not to “rock the boat,” is your silence, your failure to stand up or your complacency – an indication of what you stand for or is it an indication of how well you play the game? Let me share this perspective; perhaps you’ve been given this influential position in order to further a good cause or to represent those who have a smaller voice. Perhaps it is your responsibility to speak up. While those who don’t rock the boat may have a smoother ride, I prefer to surround myself with well-intentioned thought leaders. It’s not about challenging EVERYTHING – it’s about not rolling over or turning a blind eye when you KNOW something isn’t right.

Do me a favor – don’t ever tell me what you think I want to hear. Tell me YOUR truth. Tell me what YOU believe – otherwise, you may fool me for a while – but to what end? What is the game? It’s a game I am not willing to play. So, in this life, I encourage you to be the original signer of your own ideas rather than just a co-signer on someone else’s. Think for yourself. Stand up for something or step aside altogether. We need more voices of passion and conviction at the table rather than a chorus of hollow echoes.

#RTOTD #LifeLessons #YourVoiceYourResponsibility#SpeakUp