
Our Impact on Others

RTOTD - I ran into a friend of my Mom's at the grocery store this afternoon. It was so nice to chat with her in the produce aisle as we swapped stories of our children and life in general. Then, with tears in her eyes, she shared how much my Mom meant to her. She was so genuine - she really loved my Mom. It was so very touching to realize the ripple effect of their friendship. As I drove home, I wondered if my Mom knew how special she was. I honestly don't think she had any idea of the profound positive impact she had on other people. Perhaps it's that way for lots of people? The theme of the week seems to be LIFE IS SHORT. Treasure time with your loved ones, forgive unintentional transgressions, love freely and intentionally and when it comes time to say goodbye - you'll know you gave it all you've got. 

#RTOTD #RandomThoughtOfTheDay #LifeLessions#NoRegrets #Friendship #Family #RunWithHorses 



We've all heard the saying; "You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them." I was chatting with someone today who has been treated differently lately by "so-called" friends - and it occured to me that this could be the reason. We've all seen people who trash others behind the scenes but praise the same person in public - often on social media. This behavior used to drive me crazy - now I take it as it is.... a lesson. As I reflect upon my own life and the friends and acquaintances I have who are tried and true - always treating me the same way regardless of my ability to benefit them in any way whatsoever, I am grateful for the ones who speak their truth even when it is uncomfortable. I've also faced the harsh reality that I have some "friends" whom I now consider "fair weather friends" or "what have you done for me lately" friends....which would be heartbreaking, except for the fact that the lesson they've taught me is so powerful that I can only be grateful that our paths crossed. Armed with this new perspective, I challenge you to examine your own life and your own friends and acquaintances, without making assumptions or excuses....who is in your "Tried and True Treasured Tribe"? Sometimes it's shocking or heartbreaking to face the reality of who is in and who isn't - but it is soooooo necessary. The people who love you as you are - regardless of title or status are the relationships to nurture and treasure....they are your real tribe! Never take them for granted. What about those others? Well, now you know where you stand with them as well. Some lessons are harder than others. But once you learn the lesson - don't pretend you haven't learned it. Turning a blind eye is the fastest route to disappointment and heartbreak. 

#TreasureYourTribe#RTOTD #LifeLessons #FairWeatherFriends#RandomThoughtOfTheDay